Short CV Dino Collalti 

Dino Collalti, Ph.D. rer. oec., 1993, is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Tourism Research Unit of the Center for Regional Economic Development (CRED) since September 2023.

He graduated from the University of Bern with a stay at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) a B.Sc. in Economics, Minor in Constitutional Law and Theory of the State and a M.Sc. in Applied Economic Analysis. In his PhD in Economics at the University of Bern, Dino Collalti was part of the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR), researching the economic effects of natural disasters.

Areas of Activity

Research interests:

  • Economic effects of hurricanes and floods.
  • Detection of extreme weather events using remote sensing
  • Economic resilience to natural disasters in the Caribbean and Central America


  • MA-Seminar "Environmental Econometrics" Modules Extreme Value Theory and Copula Modeling
  • Lectures "Introduction to Tourism Economics I + II”
  •  MA-Seminar "Empirical Tourism Economics "
  • Supervision of Bachelor and Master theses in the field of tourism economics at the interface with environmental and climate economics.